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Outdoor Education Curriculum and its Benefits for Schools

Outdoor Education Curriculum and its Benefits for Schools

Of late, the buzzword in education has been experiential learning, with students and teachers trying to incorporate it into classrooms. Does experiential learning sound like a difficult concept for schools to adopt? 

Fret not!  You only have to look as far as outdoor learning to get schools to easily bring in some experiential learning into their curriculums. Read ahead as we break down just what experiential learning means and its benefits for schools. 

What is an Outdoor Education Curriculum?

Put succinctly, outdoor learning simply means learning in outdoor settings in an experiential manner. Students under such a curriculum usually engage in residential learning or journey-based learning. Students imbibe knowledge through tasks, adventures, and other activities they engage in. 

The idea is that students enjoy direct engagement with the outside world and deeply interact with nature. It is a misconception that outdoor education does not include a regular classroom curriculum. 

In most cases, outdoor learning is offered in addition to classroom learning so that students do not miss out on any of the key skills that both environments offer. One of the most common examples of outdoor education is the Scouts and Guides program offered by schools. 

Examples also include exploration and environmental awareness, among others. That being said, some schools may prioritize outdoor learning over indoor learning. 

Benefits of Outdoor Education Curriculum :-

Now that you know what outdoor education entails, here are a few benefits that will get you to consider outdoor education. 

  1. It Improves Health 

Being outdoor translates to more activity. When students learn to keep active and stay fit when they are younger, it becomes a life-long habit for them to cherish. Outdoor learning does this by keeping students active and physically engaged in a consistent manner. 

It can prevent childhood obesity and lead learners to gather necessary physiological skills. 

  1. Enhances Creativity and Imagination 

When children are blocked into a regular classroom routine, they rarely find the space and time for creativity, imagination, and innovation. Outdoor learning remedies this by giving students their own space to allow for imagination to flourish. 

Exposure to the outdoors also equips children to develop better memory skills. 

  1. Improves Psychological Well-Being

Being outdoors and in daylight is known to be an instant mood booster. What better way to teach children to remain mentally healthy than to encourage movement? Outdoor learning satisfies parents and educators by keeping students mentally healthy.

As outdoor learning is task-based, it will involve small failures constantly. For instance, if a child is playing a sport, they may win one game and lose the next. These little failures teach children coping mechanisms to get past the obstacles and try again. 

  1. Better Communication Skills 

When you consider university education as well as the job market today, soft skills are extremely valued. What if you can teach your children these early? Yes, they will be able to pick these skills up faster and build on them over their growing years. 

Soft skills, including communication skills, are enhanced significantly by outdoor learning during schooling. Since such learning is rarely an individual activity, students are taught to socially engage and communicate effectively. 


The benefits of outdoor learning are many and they leave students with skills that will serve them for a lifetime. As educators, incorporating outdoor education with mainstream education can do wonders for your learning environment. 


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